Saturday, December 27, 2008
December 28 - Cynthia Leonard - Web Accessibility
Tough economic times etc etc. This is not what one can consider an "optional" expense no matter the forecast. Every person that cannot access your site because it does not meet accessibility standards is a potential customer you are discriminating against.
So. Do the right thing - find out if your business' website is ADA compliant. If so, great. IF not, FIX IT!!
We will not post the Week In Review on Monday - It is a best of our stadium tech coverage. Enjoy and have a happy new year.
The first show of 2009 for TechTalk is a compilation of professionals in and around the New York City government technology scene. Tom was able to get some live interviews at NYC's GovTech at the Brooklyn Marriott not too long ago. Tom speaks with one of the event's organziers, a vendor and a 2008 Award Winner ....we'll post details next week.
Tune in next Sunday, January 4th at 3 pm MST/5 pm EST to 1100 KFNX in Phoenix or stream the show on your computer from KFNX's website for our NYC GovTech.
LINK of THE WEEK: The WebUrbanist ... GREAT STUFF!!! Just go. Any explanation I could string together would not do it justice.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
TechTalk Product Review - Otterbox Rocks
The OtterBox 7030 laptop case is described on OtterBox’s site as Waterproof, dustproof, drop-proof, dirtproof protection. High impact Polypropylene construction for maximum strength. Shock-absorbing Elastomer corner bumpers. This case includes a shoulder strap, and a removable file folder accessory for files, pens, business cards and more.
We simply call it one mean motor-scooter. Not only is it lockable, it also has …wait for it…automatic pressure equalization in case it is submerged in water. The OtterBox is rated ‘MIL-STD 810F’ and IP67. Those equate to approximately 30 minutes in one meter of water. We did not test this feature. We have to take their word on it until we get a bigger budget.
It comes with customizable bumpers to ensure a snug fit for your laptop. We should note is it will not fit all laptops. Please check the site to make sure yours will fit. There is no give. It do or it don’t.
There is not much more to say about this case. It is simple. It is tough. It is a must have for mobile workers in extreme conditions – sandhogs, we are talking to you. Weighing in a just under seven pounds for the case only, it is not the lightest in the market. But, we are also pretty sure the doors at Fort Knox are not light either. Overall, the protection you get for the extra weight is well worth it if protection is a priority for your laptop.
We also tried out Otterbox’s iPhone case. The case retails for around $50. Considering it is water resistant and tough as nails, you can look at that as a $50 insurance policy for your device. It is also the best looking case we have seen for those that clip the phone to the belt. It has all of the same characteristics of the laptop case. They have PDA cases for iPhone, Treos, iPods, iPaqs and more on the way. We are not saying this is the toughest case on the face of the earth, but we are saying you should let us know if you find one that is tougher.
Monday, December 22, 2008
December 21 Show's Week in Review & Part 2 of Our TechTalk Gadget Review
Here are the two stories from the Wall Street Journal Online edition Tom suggested:
- What's in a name, More and more a number - Carl Bialik [LINK]
- The Way We Will Watch - Wall Street Journal - Sarah McBride [LINK]
Last week, we brought you our first installment of product coverage for the 2008 holiday season.We reviewed the Cardscan for Mac, the Pathfinder TSA CheckPoint Friendly Compu-brief and the WildCharge charging mat.
The first was the DPF 1411 model, 14.1 inch from Westinghouse. With such a large display, the software on the device is able to show either full frame of one picture or split into three it using Westinghouse’s MosaicView™ technology. This technology shows three of the pictures at the same time with a vertical and two horizontal. Though the Westinghouse model only has 128 MB of internal memory, it is compatible with most memory card format (including SD, CompactFlash and even XD from Olympus). It will display JPEGs, A.V.I motion JPEG, MPEG 1 & 4 file formats. The frame is at home on the shelf and is wall mountable. Though, you will still have a power supply cord hanging down if you hang it on the wall.
Picture quality is similar to other models, but the extra screen real estate brings the suggested retail above $200. We did find it on a few sites between $160 – 180.
The next digital frame we tried was eStarling’s Impact 7. How is it so different from the Westinghouse? The biggest difference is the Impact does not have anywhere to put your storage device …of any kind. The way the eStarling frame works is wirelessly. This means the first thing you have to do is set it up on your wireless network. Then, you go to their website, sign up for an account and you are given an email address. Then you email your new address the pictures you want on the frame. You can also set the frame up to read feeds using RSS (like you use to download the TechTalk podcast).
The Impact retails for around $100. If you are an avid flickr or Photstream user, separated from from a friend/family member or want to put one in your reception area at your business, then the Impact 7 from eStarling is a very viable choice.
Finally, the belle of TechTalk’s 2008 Holiday Gift Product Tests comes to us from Otterbox.
The OtterBox 7030 laptop case is described on OtterBox’s site as Waterproof, dustproof, drop-proof, dirtproof protection. High impact Polypropylene construction for maximum strength. Shock-absorbing Elastomer corner bumpers. This case includes a shoulder strap, and a removable file folder accessory for files, pens, business cards and more.
We simply call it one mean motor-scooter. Not only is it lockable, it also has …wait for it…automatic pressure equalization in case it is submerged in water. The OtterBox is rated ‘MIL-STD 810F’ and IP67. Those equate to approximately 30 minutes in one meter of water. We did not test this feature. We have to take their word on it until we get a bigger budget.
It comes with customizable bumpers to ensure a snug fit for your laptop. We should note is it will not fit all laptops. Please check the site to make sure yours will fit. There is no give. It do or it don’t.
There is not much more to say about this case. It is simple. It is tough. It is a must have for mobile workers in extreme conditions – sandhogs, we are talking to you. Weighing in a just under seven pounds for the case only, it is not the lightest in the market. But, we are also pretty sure the doors at Fort Knox are not light either. In conclusion,
We also tried out Otterbox’s iPhone case. The case retails for around $50. Considering it is water resistant and tough as nails, you can look at that as a $50 insurance policy for your device. It is also the best looking case we have seen for those that clip the phone to the belt. It has all of the same characteristics of the laptop case. They have PDA cases for iPhone, Treos, iPods, iPaqs and more on the way. We are not saying this is the toughest case on the face of the earth, but we are saying let us know if you find one that is tougher.
You can find all of these at and most likely in the offices of MI6. We can’t wait to see what they come up with next. Whatever it is, we are not worried about breaking it or whatever it encases.
The staff would like to thank Kristin at Otterbox, Michael for Westinghouse and Jessica from eStarling for all their help getting these products to test out.
Friday, December 19, 2008
TechTalk Product Review - WildCharge: Stay in Charge of Your Battery
This intrigued us to try it for ourselves.
As seen below and on the WildCharge site, the WildCharge comes with a pad adorned with metallic strips. When the phone (with the adapter) is placed on the mat, the 4 small posts on the back of the case make contact with the mat and begin the charge.
The mat is smart enough to detect human fingers. No electroshock therapy here. If a person touches multiple strips, the device shuts off.
Our use proved to be ...well, just as expected. We did not run scientific stopwatch tests , but the WildCarge charged our BlackBerry's in around the same time it takes the wall charger. We did not notice any difference in the length of time the phone stayed charged.
As of now, there are a few cases for phones. Motorola Rzrs (some models. see site for details), BlackBerry Curve & Pearl are the only models with cases available now. iPhone cases are planned for the first part of 2009 and WildCharge is also planning to expand their offerings to video games as well.
We'll let you make the call on this. If you already have a case you like or don't want a case in general, this may not be for you. If you are always running out of battery because you forget to plug in your phone, then you may have found your soul mat.
The mat will run you around $65 and each case comes in at around $35
Thursday, December 18, 2008
TechTalk Product Review - Pathfinder Checkpoint Friendly Compu Brief from Parragon Luggage
A bag with a TSA badge of Approval from Pathfinder...
All three of our users were mild upon first inspection of the Paragon’s TSA’s CHECKPOINT FRIENDLY™ COMPU BRIEF. What it lacks in WOW on 5th Avenue is forgotten the first trip through airport security. One less bin, one less thing to monkey with as you take off your shoes and belt is a very good thing. Since most of us aren’t excited about showing off our juggling skills, this bag “gets your laptop through airport security with an ‘unzip and flip’.”
The bag is pretty standard computer bag gear. It is black with an iridescent silver lining. Hearty zippers tempt you to overstuff the various sections. The side pocket protector compartment holds cell phones, pens, business cards and includes the real estate worthy of over packing…because you need both calculators, and there is room if you need it. The space opposite this area is perfect for networking tools and other everyday items for field techs. The file/folder area is also minivan spacious. Now, best for last is the TSA approved compartment. While it is only a neoprene sleeve, it has a “save time and juggling your laptop show at the airport” tag and print on the sleeve.
The maker of the bag, Paragon, went through forms, tests and other screenings so you can save one to two minutes every trip to the airport. If everyone that carried a laptop could save one or two minutes using a CHECKPOINT FRIENDLY™ bag, think of all the time that would save at the airport per day, week and year. An operations teacher could have a field day with this calculation, but we will stick with the vague “lots of time”.
The only key to getting through security quickly is “to not put anything else in the sleeve with your laptop” which means chargers, files, paper, pens…anything... just the laptop, that’s it. Opposite the approved laptop glove are three compartments, continuing the silver motif, that are good for adapters, drives, chargers and the associated what-not’s we all have to have when traveling.
The “one less hassle at the airport” makes the Pathfinder worth checking out for frequent flyers. Even casual or infrequent travelers can get plenty of miles out of the ample storage and solid construction of the Pathfinder CHECKPOINT FRIENDLY™ COMPU BRIEF. The bag as tested retails for $99. There is also a wheeled version for $149 available on their website. There are plenty of bags in the $100 - $200, but there are not any others we have tested that are TSA approved.
Company contact information:
Pathfinder Luggage, Inc.
1111 –A Bell Ave.
Tustin, CA 92780
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
December 21 - Ben Patterson - 2008 Gadget Gala
Check back Monday for the product reviews and tech news you can use from the Week In Review.
Monday, December 15, 2008
TechTalk Product Reviews - Card Scan Executive for Mac
CardScan Executive for Mac
The first thing I notice when I hastily try to plug the device into the machine is the well placed sticker informing me to install the software before plugging into the machine. Glad you told me. People plagued with “Plug and Play” always anticipate plugging…then playing.
This review will be two for the price of one. First, CardScan’s newly added ability to work with a Mac. Then, for BlackBerry toting, Outlook using warriors, we will try it on Windows.
Installing is as expected. Drag the icon into the Applications folder…done. Copying…and done. Don’t read the license agreement and click accept, check. Serial number, check. Registration…later. We are ready to start in about 2 minutes…if you type slowly.
After plugging the device in and opening the CardScan application, I was feeding cards using the batch process. Both the batch and adding the single contacts was quite easy. The device has an acceptable accuracy, probably in the 90% range. The program has trouble discerning company names that include logos as part of the name, but does a good job for the most part. Errors are usually pretty blatant or occasionally in the wrong field. It even lets you scan the back of the card, which occasionally comes in handy.
Adding batches and new contacts one at a time are both very simple and intuitive. Synching is accomplished using the Preferences. It only really synchs with the Address Book, but since that Address Book is available in Entourage (and what mail uses), we will give them “Synchs with email programs”. I did not find a way to directly manipulate your Exchange address book contacts on the Mac version since the application only really interfaces with the local Address book.
The album slide view is very cool.

Yes, it is eye candy, but it is well placed eye candy and shows that the CardScan development team did not just try to “port” a Windows app to the Mac platform. It is a bit of a letdown that CardScan is the only application you can see the card images. However, if the point of the device is to quickly input card information and synch with your address book, then it is right on target. It does that and does it very well. And other than the inability to directly work with your Outlook contacts, the results were quite pleasing…especially the time saving factor that requires minimal editing on adding new contacts to the mix.
What is the pay off for the Windows version…just like everything else, it is the Office Synch. The interface is not as fuzzy, it does not look like iTunes, but it does what it needs to and does if efficiently. Using Outlook 2007, a “CardScan” option is added to your main ribbon allowing you to view cards on the contact form. The scanning accuracy is about the same. The synch is top shelf. No doubt. And if I had the patience, the auto synch would probably run just as it is supposed.
Comparing Apples to Windows
So, how do they stack up?
Both applications stack up well in their respective categories.
All in all, both versions are perfect for the ecosystems in which they will be used. I do wish the Mac version was a little better at adding a card to a current contact. The Windows version functions nominally as expected. Another novel feature is the application can create a new contact from dropping a contact block from a document or a website.
Does the average person that occasionally get business cards need to spend $270 on this solution? Probably not. What about executives, sales people, marketing and other customer or vendor facing workers and road warriors? The cost is totally justifiable. It is wonderful for adding new contacts. It does a good job on either platform of keeping things in synch…and by that I mean minimal fuss and intervention is required. And for gadget loving execu-trons…what is better than another piece of hardware on the desk?
Review by Eric Johnson
Be sure to tune in the rest of the week for more TechTalk Product Reviews.
We'll be back on at regular time this week when Ben Patterson joins Tom this Sunday @ 3 pm in Phoenix and 5pm in NYC
Thursday, December 11, 2008
December 13 - SATURDAY! - Keith Shaw - What's New For The Holidays
Keith Shaw from NetworkWorld is a holiday favorite on TechTalk. NetworkWorld, just finished their holiday guide, and boy are Keith's arms tired. Along with the Holiday Gift Guide, Keith a special Rock & Roll Fantasy and a tons of video over at
Join Tom for a special Week In Review containing some of TechTalk's very own product reviews for the holiday season. We will post these reviews over the next week on the blog. Be sure to listen in and check the blog for links next week.
TipTop TechTalk Link of The Week (v0.09)
flickr Library of Congress Photostream -
[BONUS LINK] flickr creative commons licensing
The show will air this Sunday, December 14, 2008 on 1100 KFNX in Phoenix at 3 pm MST/ 5 pm EST.
Friday, December 5, 2008
December 7 - Johanna Rothman on Interview Skills
The show will air this Sunday, December 7, 2008 on 1100 KFNX in Phoenix at 3 pm MST/ 5 pm EST.
You can also tune in through your browser from KFNX's website.
Check back for Monday's post on the Week In Review.
Here are some of Johanna's books she authored or contributed (links to Amazon):

Monday, December 1, 2008
November 30 - Airing at 1 PM EST/11 AM MST TODAY
Raju Vegesna of Zoho will join Tom to discuss the movement of productivity applications like word processors and spreadsheets are moving from the desktop to the browser. Along with the standard apps, you can also manage HR, Projects, invoices, wikis, your centralized share and, and ever growing number of applications. Just look at the menu to choose from at Zoho's site.

Nov 30 Week In Review
- Belkin Let’s You Stream HDMI on the Fly [AMAZON]
- Optoma teams with Apple to launch DLP Pico projector in Japan [ENGADGET]
- Jargon Watch: Cowpooling, Tweetups, Dark Trading [WIRED]
- Fresno State University selects RF Central microwave technology - STADIUM TECH []
- Windows Live Gets Web 2.0 Makeover []
Monday, November 24, 2008
Week In Review - November 23, 2008
On last night's show with Michael Clark discussing Software & Services.
Nov 23 WIR:
- Software Enables Cameras to Duplicate Keys [WIRED]
- Web 2.0 or Web 2.No? [BBC]
- WPA cracked in 15 minutes or less, or your next router's free [ENGADGET]
- Boldly Going Where No Stadium Has Gone Before [NY Times - STADIUM TECH]
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
December 7th - Week In Review
- Lower Manhattan Security Initiative Launched [1010 Wins]
- How to Run A Meeting Like Google [BusinessWeek 2006 - Internal Testing?]
- Google launches iPhone voice search app [ComputerWorld]
- The World’s Most Super-Deisgned Data Center []
December 14 @ 3pm MST/5pm EST
Ben Patterson*, the Gadget Hound, from Yahoo! Tech with the Holiday Gadget Gala.
December 21 @ 3pm MST/5pm EST
Keith Shaw of Network World will join Tom with the Cool Yule Tools for the Holidays and highlight some of his Rock & Roll Fantasy Tech Pics.
*The latest from Ben is that "thousands" of Wii's are at Here at TechTalk, we do not recommend the Wii. But that is only due to the fact Tom told us the two hours per day scheduled for "Wii Testing" was no longer acceptable.
Nov 23 with Michael Clark - Software & Services
The IT industry is in the midst of a computing transformation, where key applications and experiences are delivered more frequently via the Web. Michael will discuss why it’s important for businesses and consumers to have choice and flexibility in how they consume software and why a blended/hybrid approach like software plus services provides users with the optimal computing experience. Additionally, Michael will comment on the strategic use of IT and how certain innovations can help organizations drive down costs and improve operations in uncertain economic times.
Tune in Sunday at 3pm in Phoenix on the radio and everywhere else at 2pm PST/5pm EST on
Friday, November 14, 2008
Spoiler Alert - We have some great shows to end 2008
Next week, Michael Clark from Microsoft will talk with Tom
about Software & Services. More on this early next week.
Holiday Gift Guides in December - Tom will bring you two weeks of cameras, cellphones, handhelds, laptops and every other item on the geek's list who is near and dear to you.
The Gadget Hound, Ben Patterson for Yahoo! Tech will join us in December to let us know his picks for the season. Our TechTalk staff has also put together some reviews is a tough job but someone has to test all the new software, hardware and gadgets.
Keith and his pals at NetworkWorld published their gift guide not too long ago. He will be on the show to tell us about it and other gift ideas, but it is ok to peek. For all of you that get tired of words without pictures, here is some TV to hold you over until you get back to hulu. NetworkWorld does their Week In Review on Friday to keep you up to date until Sunday.
There will not be a quiz, but keep an eye out for the CES Preview, RoboLegManbot from Honda & The Mars Lander tweeted its last tweet before freezing to death due to Martian winter temperatures. The twitter account has since been deleted...too bad. Would be nice to leave up. I am sure it lives on somewhere.
11/14 Week In Review from
For those that made it this far, rumor has it TechTalk is going to team with CNET to start your 2009 "Listen to every TechTalk this year" resolution off right. Tom also privied the producer to some exclusive interviews from some prominent NYC IT professionals. If you are good and listen every week, we might air them before Christmas. We might make them available here only. We like to keep you guessing...and I have to ask Tom.
We'll be on the air this Sunday, 11/16 at 3pm in Phoenix and 5pm in NYC ....noon in Hawaii, and 7am Monday morning if you are in Tokyo. Sorry, Craig, we are on at 11pm in Budapest. It is okay if you get the show from the archive. Thanksfor the clock, iPhone. Watch out iPhone, it looks like there is a Storm a brewin' and it will be here next week!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Nov 16 - Dick Davies - Web2.0
Check back Monday for the Week In Review.
[Update 11/17]
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sharing the Love2.0 - DeepFriedBytes & HerdingCode w/ Jeff Atwood
Jeff Atwood, Kevin Dente, Jon Galloway and Scott Coon
Details: Keith and Woody grabbed a few other podcasters to have a roundtable discussion on the last day of Microsoft’s Professional Developers Conference in October 2008. The discussion was very lively and after you listen to this first part head over to the Herding Code podcast to listen to the conclusion of the discussion from PDC.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Nov 9 - Dave Crenshaw - The MYTH of Multitasking
Find out more at:
Come back Monday for the Week In Review
[UPDATE 11/10: Week In Review]
- Why Netbooks Will Soon Cost $99 - [slashdot]
- Dell affirms plans to integrate white space radios into future wares [engadget]
- Bionic hand makes inventions list [BBC News]
- CNN debuts hologram technology to beam people in 3-D [Google Popular Tech News]
- 3 Smart Things About Time Zones [Wired]
- A Huge Cache of Stolen Financial Data [NY Times]
This week, we will have Dick Davies on covering Web 2.0 and What it means for you!
Be sure to tune in a 3pm MST | 5pm EST through our website
Monday, November 3, 2008
Five Phoenix Circuit City's Included on List of 155
Circuit City confirmed rumors that due to being strapped for cash, they are going to close 155 stores across the country. For our listeners in the Phoenix area, four Circuit City stores near you will be shutting their door soon.
Which stores in Arizona will be closing?
- 1515 S POWER RD MESA AZ 85206
- 530 ROUTE 10 LIVINGSTON NJ 07039
- 232 EAST 86TH STREET #240 NEW YORK NY 10028
According to the story, a third party will handle the liquidation process. This means circulars will not apply, nor will gift cards, CC credit cards, price matching or warranties. Be sure to check out the details...especially if you have recently purchased items from Circuit City, waiting for repairs/ shipment.
Be sure to post comments on your experience if you have a transaction/repair in progress at one of these stores.
Here is where we found it. Here is where they found it.
Friday, October 31, 2008
November 2, 2008 - Brian Deagan - Saving Email from Commoditization
We'll have another Stadium Tech story and let you know what happened in technology last week in the Week In Review. Check back on Monday for the links to the stories.
With the holidays approaching, the TechTalk staff have been very busy tracking down and trying out the latest goodies to try out. Be sure to listen for our upcoming Product Reviews during our Week In Review.
If you have a product you want us to use and tell our listeners about, contact us about having it on the show (
[Update 11/2]
- High-tech video to rule Target Field [STADIUM TECH]
- The Cloud Gets Better With Microsoft Office & Google Labs
- Qik Finally Brings Its Live Video Streaming To Blackberry
- Silicon Optical Fiber Made Practical
- - find local flu clinics based on zip code
- - Helps keep your heart healthy and provide information about warning signs, preventive care and find help if you are concerned
- Homework Help Locator
- Free Mandarin Chinese Lessons
- Board games & such
- Riding Toys
- Sinus Info
Our first show after the change is Sunday, November 2.
We will still be on in the Phoenix listening area at 3pm.
For all our East Coast listeners, we'll be on at 5pm EST until next spring.
On the West Coast, we'll drop back to 2pm PST.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
October 26 - Jeff Atwood on &
Check back Monday for more details and the Week in Review.
***DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE TIME CHANGE!!! TechTalk will remain on at 3pm in the Phoenix listening area, but will move back an hour everywhere that observes daylight saving time**
For our New York listeners, we will be on at 5pm starting Sunday, November 2 through next spring.
[UPDATE 10/27]
- Stadium Tech - Dallas Cowboy Stadium Profile
- A Look At Google's First Phone
- 3D Printing on Demand
- FCC Moves to Open Up Idle Airwaves for Gadgets
And from our Producers, GO TITANS!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Look what one can Dipity do dah with Dipity
Look what I did and called it productive this morning. It's dipity and I helped! is a site that mashes webpages, podcasts...and pretty much everything else into these neat interfaces like the one above.
As with most web 2.0 services/sites, Dipity has community features letting you follow users, topics and have quick access to popular topics which are tracked. That is great for people that need ONE more profile to check or one more thing that aggregates your aggregation. Are we seriously this busy?
Posted using ShareThis
Monday, October 13, 2008
October 19, 2008 - Jeff Paul on "Tagging the Web's Audio & Video"
Ever want to navigate audio and video on the web like you do with a CD or a DVD. This can benefit anyone that publishes audio or video to the web.
More about Veotag
Be sure to come back after the show for the show's Week In Review with tech news you can use.
[UPDATE 10/20 - TechTalk Week In Review]
October 12- Stephen Midgley - IT Asset Management & Theft Recovery
Check Back Monday for the Week In Review...
[UPDATE 10/13]
- Amazon EC2 running Microsoft Windows Server[Amazon]
- Ambulances And Cop Cars Ready To Rumble[WIRED]
- Easy, Personalized Gift Editions of Time-Honored Classic and “New Classic” Children’s Books at
- New Reflective Display Technology Gives Fans a Front Row Seat at The Hall at Patriot Place [MarketWatch]
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
October 5 - Frank Zamani of Caspio Discussing WebApps without Programming
Frank Zamani, President & CEO of Caspio, will discuss how people can do this easier than ever with minimal infrastructure and absolutely no programming required.
Week In Review:
T-Mobile's CTO on G1 unlocking and tethering -- plus a few details you might have missed
Google unveils tool to 'crowdsource' meeting questions
Google offers millions in contest
China To Run Out of IPv4 Addresses In 830 Days
Stanford Offers iPhone 101: App Developing Workshop
Top ISPs Deny Watching You Online
Thursday, September 25, 2008
October Show Schedule for TechTalk
We still have a really busy month...but we are going to mix up the guests.
Here is the current schedule
10/12 - IT Asset Management & Stephen Midgley
10/19 - Veotag - Tagging the Web's Audio and Video
10/26 - Someone exciting...we are holding on this one to see what happens...check back and keep an eye out for new posts!
We have a REALLY busy month and some GREAT guests this month. Along with the great guests, we will also be covering what's happening in Technology News with our Week in Review.
- Oct 5 - WebApps Without Programming - Frank Zamani from Caspio
- Oct 12 -, - Jeff Atwood
- Oct 19 - IT Asset Management & Theft Recovery - Stephen Midgley from Absolute Software
- Oct 26 - Solutions for Internet Video Delivery - Alex Mashinsky from DigiMeld
- Nov 2 - Video & Audio's Searchable Next Step - Jeff Paul from Veotag
And finally, the part I am most excited about (because I get to play with things...I mean review)...We will be reviewing the CardScan executive for Mac &Pathfinder Luggage recently introduced the New Checkpoint Friendly CompuBrief
September 28 - Moving your TechForward
Check back Monday for the Week in Review
Ok, it is Tuesday, but here are the articles Tom covered and a couple he did not:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
September 14 with Gabe Goldberg - "Moving in a Wired World"
Along with our week in review, we welcome back Gabe Goldberg who will prepare us for "Moving in the Wired World".
Join us for Sunday at 6pm EDT (3 MST) on KFNX 1100 AM in the Phoenix listening area. Outside the broadcast area, you can also KFNX's website.
Come back Monday for links to the Week in Review articles from the technology industry and an exciting post on the California Academy of Sciences new home in Golden Gate Park that some of our crew were lucky enough to tour at the end of August.
Here are links to the upcoming events at the CAS mentioned on TechTalk:
Green Tie Gala - September 25th
CAS Opening Weekend - Sept 27-28
[UPDATE: 9/14]
- CIA, FBI push 'Facebook for spies'
- NYC's 911 system upgraded to accept photos, video
- Largest particle collider conducts successful test
- Troops' maneuvers left in club
A couple of links from the show:
- Association of Personal Computer User Groups -
- DSL Reports -
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
California Academy of Sciences - We can't wait!
While some of the TechTalk staff had the opportunity to be at the Moscone Center during the Intel Developer Forum, the real treat of the trip was in Golden Gate Park. The California Academy of Sciences new building is almost ready for it Grand Opening on September 27, 2008. Thanks to Helen Taylor, the TechTalk staff had the opportunity to see much of the new facility. The general consensus from those in attendance...WOW!
The skylights are concave to maximize the natural light. The rock separating the sections gather rainwater run off from the panels and is reused throughout the building. There are also motion sensors and cameras to monitor the development of the roof and also as a security measure.
The four-story living rain forest recreates the conditions in Borneo, Madagascar, Costa Rica and also supports an Amazonian flooded forest that actually floods...inside the building. Visitors traverse a spherical staircase through the exhibit that moves through informational areas on each habitat into an open view of native plants and animals. This includes dozens of birds that will live throughout the exhibit.
Visitors can stroll along the Savannah, past mountain gorillas around the Cape of Good Hope where penguins native to South Africa and Nambia greet guests and send them back up the opposite side of the continent.
Soooo much to see and do...
We have not even talked about the glass ceiling tunnel in the Steinhart Aquarium, the Morrison Planetarium, the lecture hall that plays 3D movies...and there is a good chance I am still leaving something out.
Thanks again to Helen Taylor for taking the time to give us a tour and all of the great information she provided.
After 12 months of operation, the facility is currently on track to receive LEED Platinum certification. An outstanding achievement for all involved.
Here are a few links of interest for upcoming CAS events and general information:
Green Tie Gala - September 25th
CAS Opening Weekend - Sept 27-28
CAS Home - the organization's website. Pictures and videos of construction, exhibits and information for visitors.
Friday, August 15, 2008
August 24, 2008 - Limor Schafman - IPv6
You can follow Limor:
At her company website
Her blog - Dig In
Games Gateway Meetup found at
And follow her on twitter: LimorS
Upcoming Tech Events
- IT Service Management Forum’s “FUSION 08”
The itSMF USA Fusion 08 conference and exposition brings together the best minds in the service management industry. During the event, industry experts will present key insights on ITSM best practices, innovative new strategies, and real world results.
September 7-13 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco
- Streaming Media West in San Jose
Covers both the business of video on the net and the technology of streaming, downloading, IPTV and mobile video delivery. Covering both b2b and b2c business and technology issues in the enterprise, advertising, media and entertainment, broadcast and education markets.
September 23-25 ~ San Jose, CA @ the McEnery Convention Center
- INTEROP New York is September 15-19 at the Javits Center
Kudos to for the great list of the year’s tech conferences.
August 17, 2008 - Julie Barko Germany
Julie Barko Germany serves as the director of the Institute for Politics, Democracy & the Internet and director of marketing and communications for The George Washington University's Graduate School of Political Management.
She will be on the show this Sunday discussing the Web Tactics of Presidential Candidates with Tom. No matter which side of the aisle you are on, tune it to learn more about how both parties are using the web to get their message in front of you.
Upcoming Technology Events
• IT Service Management Forum’s “FUSION 08”
- The itSMF USA Fusion 08 conference and exposition brings together the best minds in the service management industry. During the event, industry experts will present key insights on ITSM best practices, innovative new strategies, and real world results.
- September 7-13 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco
- Visit the website for more info
• Intel Developer Forum (IDF) runs Tuesday through Thursday
- IDF is where Intel and the ecosystem come together to share their latest innovations and vision for the future of technology. Come hear industry news, learn about trends, and discover opportunities to integrate what is discussed into your projects.
- It is also being held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco
- Find out more at the website
Week in Review Articles:
- Dell courts business nomads with new laptops - Computerworld
- Court says copyrights apply even for free software - AP [from Wired]
- AT&T Mulls Watching You Surf - NYT's Bits
- Intel releases USB 3.0 controller interface spec - Register Hardware
August 10, 2008 - Hal Berghel recaps What New in Defcon 16
Our good friend and frequent guest, Hal Berghel covered Defcon 16, the hacker convention, in Las Vegas. As it ended, Hal joined Tom to cover the weeks events.
Week In Review:
- AT&T Dives Into Cloud Computing - PC World
- Net address bug worse than feared - BBC
- Researchers mash Google Earth with electrical data to predict national grid problems - Network World
- IBM To Linux Desktop Developers: 'Stop Copying Windows' - Information Week
Friday, August 1, 2008
August 3, 2008 - Sheldon Gilbert of Proclivity Systems
Listen to the show from here using the Yahoo!Media Player.
[Updated 9/10: DOWNLOAD THE SHOW]
This week's guest is Sheldon Gilbert, CEO and Founder of Proclivity Systems.
Proclivity uses company's data to decrease the number of solicitations sent to a customer by increasing the relevance of the emails the company sends.
Check back after the show for links to the stories in our week in review.
Tune in at our regularly scheduled time on 1100 KFNX AM in Phoenix and simulcast on their website. Link to the station on the left. Just click the KFNX logo.
UPDATE-Week in Review Links:
- Swapping Facial Features Protects Online Privacy - New Scientist Tech
- Southern California residents urged to cut phone use after quake - AP
- NASA Spacecraft Confirms Martian Water, Mission Extended - NASA
- Microsoft's Midori -- a future without Windows - Engadget
- California Academy of Sciences sets grand opening for September 27 at its new location in Golden Gate Park
For updates and details on the festivities, sign up for e-News on the website at or call 415.379.8000.
Even if you cannot make it out for the grand opening, the website has a wealth of information about the organization, other upcoming events and includes pictures and videos about the sustainable design, construction of the facility which includes a living roof and other green design techniques.
Thanks to Helen and company for the tour we have scheduled for Friday 8/22
About IMI's TechTalk
TechTalk's goal is to educate our listeners about technology and how it can positively affect their lives and businesses. Our listeners are from all over the globe and include home, small business, and enterprise users.