Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 28 - Tweets from the streets of Iran & Other

Listen to Julie and Tom cover a hot topic - how Twitter, facebook, flickr, youtube and other viewer created content brought the Iranian elections and resulting demonstrations to the US even if the major networks would not. Julie tells us about this and more on how technology is affecting democracy, increasing transparency and how people can become better citizen journalists. Reach out to her on the IPDI website at and on Twitter, @JulieG.

We also found that the viewer created content channel, Current -, is covering the elections as well as, if not better than the larger networks.

Along with our Week in Review, Gabe Goldberg dropped back by to keep the scary out of your PC. Face your PC head on with links to boil down the babble and put your computer in its place.

Gabe's Golden Links to keep your PC from being scary:
O'Reilly -
WhatIs - (note:skip sponsored links for user contents)
Wikipedia -
SmartComputing -

You can find more from Gabe on

Keep your RSS reader pointed to our feeds for blog posts to hear about upcoming shows and to our shows as they are posted. Tune in next week for more Cloud Computing and the Green House comparison Tom told you about at the end of the show.

We look forward to having Julie back and commend her for all her hard work.

Have a great week and thanks for listening!