Friday, January 23, 2009

January 4, 2009 - nyGovTech - Pick our player

TechTalkers, we need your help! Everyone has different browsers and preferences when it comes to listening to web audio. Below are a few options we've come up with for bringing TechTalk audio to you.

NY GovTech is held at the Brooklyn Marriott each year. Tom had the opportunity to interview the show's organizer, a local vendor an winner of CIO of the Year for NYC agencies.

Here are a few options. While we may need to use more than one because of different browsers, let us know which one(s) you like. Here are your choices:

A)Google Reader Player

B) Yahoo! Player

C)Odeo Player

For those of you not able to listen to the live show, here is the show.
hosted @

D) Internet Archive Player

E) Strictly links, thanks -->
[ Listen | Download ]

F) Yahoo! Player #2 - You see play button by the above link? Click on that and see what happens. If not...are you using Safari?

Now, let us know what you think. We are going to rank these on the five star system. You know the drill. Leave comments on hiccups or reasons why your selection the one of the ones we need to incorporate.

Link of the week: How to embed players for your audio files