Friday, February 27, 2009

March 1, 2009- Week In Review

This week, Tom gave us an array of information on podcasting with the help of our guest, Steve Lubetkin. It was a great show and we would love for you to follow imitechtalk on twitter and tell us what you think.

Here are some other stories that we brought to you this week:

  • Robotrains take over NY's Brooklyn-Manhattan line under careful watch of human conductor overloads- Engadget- [JUMP]
  • AEG and Cisco Empower the Next Generation Fan Experience- CNN Money- [JUMP]
  • Apple Tells Shareholders That Jobs Will Return- NY Times- [JUMP]
  • iolo Technologies Delivers Full Windows 7 Compatability- PR Web- [JUMP]
  • ZigBee, Ethernet, Bluetooth, CAN, LIN Connectivity Solutions Showcased at Newark's Technology First Microsite- Market Watch- [JUMP]

Upcoming Conferences and Events:

Tech Security Conference 2009- July, 2 2009 in Tampa, FL

The Tampa Tech-Security Conference features 25-30 vendor exhibits and several industry experts discussing current tech-security issues such as email security, VoIP, LAN security, wireless security, USB drives security & more. There will be lots of give a ways and prizes such as iPods, $25, $50 and $100 gift cards, as well as cash prizes and lots more! This unique conference format will provide educational speaker sessions as well as tremendous networking opportunities. You'll come away with advice and knowledge you can start applying to your environment immediately. To register for this conference, click on the link in the left column. Your registration will include your breakfast, lunch, conference materials and entrance into the conference sessions and exhibit area. Scroll down to view the full conference agenda.

Join us next week, March 8 when we delve into a brilliant discussion on Industrial Technology and Leadership with our guest, Dick Davies.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

March 1 - Podcasting & Why Your Business Should Do It

We like what this week's guest has to say about podcasting. Steve Lubetkin thinks Podcasting is great and that business should do it. Join Tom and Steve to find out more about podcasting, how to get started and how to use it to benefit your business.

IMI TechTalk is old school. IMI, our parent company, has sponsored TechTalk for over 10 years. Our internet show archives go back to 2002. As times change, so do the way people listen to us. Listen to the Week In Review to find out about some of the changes coming to our listeners ...some of which you can already see and take advantage of -->

:cough: new feed and email delivery :cough, cough: -->

Check back Monday for the Week in Review and more links from the show including all the details to find out more about Steve's work. We also think you will be delighted to find out when the show will be available for download ...more to come.

Be sure to tune in to 1100 KFNX in Phoenix at 3pm MST and 5pm EST in the NYC listening area or at

**Time change is coming: The time change is next Sunday, March 8. IMI TechTalk, being broadcast out of Phoenix will be on at the following time beginning March 8, 2009 (until November 1)

Starting with March 8, TechTalk will be on at these times
6pm EDT/ 5pm CDT / 4pm MDT / 3 pm MST / 3pm PDT

Monday, February 23, 2009

February 22, 2009 - Lori Grunin Returns to Discuss Photo Editing

We had a mix up at TechTalk this weekend. Silly producer. We'd fire me if I weren't so cheap.

Our show with CNET's Lori Grunin aired earlier than we expected. [Now available-->Listen/Download]

We'll be back on point this weekend, when Steve Lubetkin will join us at 5pm EST/ 3pm MST

More about Lori:
Lori Grunin is an avid photographer for almost 30 years, and has spent the past 15 mastering every aspect of technology; her digital-imaging coverage has been referenced by academic journals and Web sites and published in all forms of media. In addition, she works as a personal technology consultant who researches, purchases, configures, installs, and supports equipment for families and home offices.

Monday, February 16, 2009

February 15 - Week In Review & Sun Links

Tom provided us with more detailed coverage of Flight 1549 including interviews and details from the divers on the scene.

Here are some of the other stories we brought you:

Financial Tips from - [JUMP]
Cellphones as Credit Cards - NYT - [
Wall Street Journal Career & Job Resources - WSJ - [

Links from the Sun interview with Mark & Dean
Eco Innovation | Data Center | Modular Data Center

We hope you had the chance to listen. We'll be back on next Sunday at 5pm in NY and 3pm in Phoenix. Join us on KFNX 1100 in Phoenix or at KFNX's website -
Have great week and thanks for listening!

Monday, February 9, 2009

February 15, 2009 - The Future of the Data Center

Tom joins Mark Monroe and Dean Nelson in Broomfield, CO to see what Sun is working on for future data centers. Sun is turning the datacenter industry upside down ...and carrying it around town in a shipping container. Tune in this Sunday at 5pm EST in NYC and 3pm MST in Phoenix on 1100 KFNX AM or online at

We are working on the details of our first listener prize giveaway and with Fatheads to get some cool Cardinal stuff to give out to our local listeners (or Steeler things you can burn in effigy).

We will have details from the Week in Review and our link of the week for you tomorrow. Enjoy the show!

February 8 - Week In Review

What a great show we had last night with guest Bill Seaver. Now that you know how to use social media like a pro, go out and start following imitechtalk on twitter and tell us how much you learned.

Now for the Week in Review links to stories and upcoming IT events of interest

  • Time Warner Cable To Expand Its Bandwidth Caps To Additional Cities- Gizmodo - [JUMP]
  • Data Breach Costs On The[JUMP]
  • Nintendo Wins the Graying Gamers-NY Times-[JUMP]
  • New Wireless Standard Promises Ultra-Fast Media[JUMP]
  • Bluetooth 3.0-Wireless Deisgn Asia .com-[JUMP]
Upcoming conferences and events:

IWCE Expo in Las Vegas – March 18-20
Having the ability to receive the right information has never been more important. If you are responsible for the dependability, reliability and interoperability of your organization’s integrated communications systems, then IWCE is your must attend event. IWCE provides the applications and solutions you need in order to communicate anytime, anywhere.

NEW for 2009! Surveillance Pavilion
Surveillance is a hot topic in the integrated communications systems field. This new pavilion includes companies displaying products such as cables and connectors, cameras, consoles, data storage and transmission, digital recorders, monitors, video transmission equipment and so much more!

INTEROP comes to Las Vegas - Tuesday-Thursday, May 19-21
Attend the Interop Conference for a comprehensive, integrated view of technologies that will give your business a competitive edge. Learn how the recent surge of IT innovation can help you cut costs, get closer to your customers and increase revenue.

Cloud Computing, Data Center, Enterprise Wireless, Green IT, Virtualization, Unified Communications & Wireless Technology tracks and many others are available for attendees

Join us on Sunday, February 15 when we will bring you interviews from Sun Microsystem about the future of the data center.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 8 - Micro Marketing with Bill Seaver

Bill Seaver, founder of MicroExplosion Media will be on the show discussing Micro Marketing.

Bill, a native of Nashville, TN understands how online services such as twitter and free blogs are a great way to build both community and an identity for your company.

To get a head start to find out more about Bill, check him out on Twitter

Check back Monday for links to the stories and shows mentioned in the Week In Review

Don't forget TechTalk is on Twitter, too!

Join us Sunday at 5 pm EST/ 4 pm CST / 3 pm MST

We are on in the Phoenix on 1100 KFNX News Talk Radio and broadcast on the web around the world from KFNX's website

Monday, February 2, 2009

February 1, 2009 - Week In Review

Here are the stories from last night's Week In Review and links to more info:

Who will pay to tweet? - NetworkWorld - [LINK]
Social-networking sites share breaking news - [LINK]
Biometric passports agreed to in EU - [LINK]

Greener Gadgets (NYC) | Feb 27, 2009 | [JUMP]
Innovators, entrepreneurs, visionaries, and eco-designers will return to New York City to discuss the future of sustainability for the consumer electronics industry. Register now.

This year’s conference will feature engaging discussion on:
• Emerging energy technology
• Real solutions for e-waste recycling
• New inventions in energy generation and efficiency
• Future forward recyclable gadgetry
• The business case for going green
Five speakers have just been announced for the 2009 lineup!

In March, we head to Austin, TX for
SXSW Interactive | March 13-17 | [JUMP]
Join The Brightest Minds in Emerging Technology

The South by South West Interactive Festival features five days of exciting panel content and amazing parties. Attracting digital creatives as well as visionary technology entrepreneurs, the event celebrates the best minds and the brightest personalities of emerging technology. Whether you are a hard-core geek, a dedicated content creator, a new media entrepreneur, or just someone who likes being around an extremely creative community, SXSW Interactive is for you!

Later this spring in May:
INTEROP – LAS VEGAS | May 19-21 | [JUMP]
Attend the Interop Conference for a comprehensive, integrated view of technologies that will give your business a competitive edge. Learn how the recent surge of IT innovation can help you cut costs, get closer to your customers and increase revenue.

Cloud Computing, Data Center, Enterprise Wireless, Green IT, Virtualization, Unified Communications & Wireless Technology tracks and many others are available for attendees

Don’t forget we are on twitter – imitechtalk. Follow us for tech tips and reminders about upcoming shows.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Feb 1 - DTV Transition & Changing Face of Mainstream MEdia

As the deadline to switch grows nearer, IJ Hudson joins Tom to explain the impact and various options available to you and your love ones as the February 17th deadline grows nearer. After the Senate unanimously approved a billed to extend the deadline, the House of Reps stopped the extension in its tracks.

IJ will tell you what this means to you, what you can do between now and then and how this fundamental change effects all of us.

All of this and, of course, our Week In Review.

Tune in this afternoon at 5pm EST and 3pm MST in Phoenix on 1100 KFNX AM. Outside KFNX's tower of power, you can stream us from KFNX's website at

Enjoy the show! We'll see you tomorrow for the Week In Review links.

Here is the basic gist of how a converter box works: