Thursday, December 31, 2009
Cloud Coverage 2009
We start this year with a topic that really gained ground and started to take form in 2009 - Cloud Computing. We look back at two shows - our Aug 9 show with Amy Wohl and our July 12 show with Shelly Palmer. Two great guests and two great shows to start off another great year.
Be sure to visit to listen or download these shows or any of our others from 2009 - including more on Cloud Computing.
We are glad to have you back and look forward to having you again next week. Don't forget to go to for info on these shows and much more. Thanks for stopping by.
There will not be a Week in Review post on Monday, but we will resume our regular schedule next week with a show update on Thursday. Happy 2010!
Monday, December 28, 2009
December 27-Get Out of the Way! It's 2010!
- Hacked Wiimote Makes Super Scientific Sensor- Gizmodo- [JUMP]
- 22 Million Bush-Era Emails Found- Philadelphia Enquirer- [JUMP]
- NYC's Best-App Contest Opens For Worldwide Voting- Wired- [JUMP]
- Cowboy Stadium 3D Scoreboard Experiment Doesn't Go So Well, Turned Off In Less Than Seven Minutes- Engadget- [JUMP]
- Kill Slightly Fewer Trees By Leaving Junk Mail Lists- Consumerist- [JUMP]
Monday, December 21, 2009
December 20- Week In Review
- Students Can Enter Virtual World To Test School Design- BBC News- [JUMP]
- For Bicyclists Needing A Boost, This Wheel May Help- NY Times- [JUMP]
- New York Gets Its First Solar EV Charging Station, You Can't Use It- Engadget- [JUMP]
- Congress, Would You Please Turn That TV add down!- Yahoo Finance- [JUMP]
- Comcast Targets ESPN By Streaming Pro Sports Games- Business Week- [JUMP]
Thursday, December 17, 2009
December 20- Social Media Metrics
Friday, December 11, 2009
Show to air at 2pm EST | 12pm MST on Sunday
Please set your alarms to listen to the show at 2pm EST | 12pm MST
Or you can get it now!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
INTEROP NYC 2009 - From the floor of the Javits Center
For the first time in TechTalk's history, we are releasing a show here before it airs on KFNX. Get ahead of the curve and LISTEN/DOWNLOAD it RIGHT NOW! Happy Holidays. The show will air
INTEROP Segments [Live from the floor]
Session Summaries
-Positioning the Enterprise for Growth
-Cover your assets: Real Time Security
-Green IT: Start Saving Money
Exhibitors we spoke with
-Matthew from I2Y: or
-Andre from Meetup:
- iContact (Email marketing simplified):
-Jamie Darby&Darby Intellectual Property:
-Eric & Sharon from NetSupport (Software to keep your staff happy):
-Michael from LifeSize Communications:
Our WIR covered:
-Wrap'top Laptop
-GAO: Security agency is making progress, but still falling short [NextGov]
- Tracking a million converstations [Forbes]
We will keep you up to date on our next show! Have a great weekend and let us know what oyu think by email or on twitter [@imitechtalk].
Thanks to Joy and Natalia from INTEROP. We look forward to working with you guys again!
Monday, December 7, 2009
December 6- Week In Review
- Toyota's Sudden Acceleration- LA Times- [JUMP]
- Office 2010 Ship Date Revealed- Information Week- [JUMP]
- How To Make Quality Comments, Earn A Star and Be A Hero- Gizmodo- [JUMP]
- Square iPhone Payment System Gets Itself A Website, Showcased In Public- Engadget- [JUMP]
- For $150, Cisco Routers Will Play Flip Videos On Your TV- NY Times- [JUMP]
- Equipment & Components: Gym and Arena- Athletic Business- [JUMP]
- An Energy Answer In The Shale Below- Washington Post- [JUMP]
Thursday, December 3, 2009
December 6- 'Tis the Season
Monday, November 30, 2009
November 29- Week In Review and More!
- Newly Declassified Files Detail Massive FBI Data-Mining Project- Wired- [JUMP]
- 3D Televisions Expected In Homes In 2010- CNN News- [JUMP]
- 'Net Neutrality' Rules Attacked- BBC News- [JUMP]
- The US Open Fan Experience Goes High Tech- NY1- [JUMP]
Saturday, November 28, 2009
November 29 - GovTech 2009
We started 2009 with our coverage from the 2008 event. Once again, we're glad Sal joined us as well as Craig Hannah from EMC and Henry Jackson from the Office of Emergency Management.
The show will air Sunday at 5 pm EST | 3 MST & be ready for download or delivery to your inbox by Monday.
Our second 'TechTalk on the Road' with our coverage from the floor at the INTEROP NYC show. We are thinking about making it available online before it airs on KFNX. What do you think?
Monday, November 23, 2009
November 22- Week In Review
Also, be sure to send a recovering soldier a holiday wish this year
- Interop: IT Forecast Says Clouds- Information Week- [JUMP]
- Solutions Are Designed to Boost Network Performance and Security- Information Week- [JUMP]
- Interop Conference: Cloud-Computing Technology or Business Strategy?- Inside Interop Blog- [JUMP]
- Interop Report: Cloud Communications- [JUMP]
- Web 2.0 Expo- O'Reilly Warns of Web War- Information Week- [JUMP]
Thursday, November 19, 2009
November 22- "The Insider Security Threat"
Monday, November 16, 2009
November 15- Week In Review
- Keynote Speakers at INTEROP 2009 NYC- Interop- [JUMP]
- Riverbed Embraces the Cloud at Interop NYC 2009- CNN News- [JUMP]
- Vyatta's Dave Roberts to Speak at Interop New York on "Breakthrough Network Technologies"- Marketwire- [JUMP]
- Attendees Ready to Spend at Interop New York- Earth Times- [JUMP]
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Fake IRS Email Scam
Fake IRS Email Scam – Underreported Income
Author: Thomas AjavaIf there is one agency everyone responds to, it is the IRS. Scammers know this and have developed a host of campaigns using the name of the agency to sucker taxpayers into releasing information. A new email scam uses the threat of underreported income to get consumers to download a malicious file.
The IRS has been trumpeting its efforts to close the tax gap. Depending on the year, the agency estimates that between $300 and $450 billion dollars in tax revenue goes uncollected. One of the primary reasons is the underreporting of income by taxpayers. The email scam currently circulating uses this issue as its basis.
The scam comes to your email box from a purported IRS email address. The subject line of the email states “unreported/underreported income [Fraud Application]”. The body of the email then states that you’ve underreported income and refers to a unidentified part of your recent tax return which is supposedly attached to the email. You are then supposed to download the attachment to verify it. As you can probably already guess, the download is a malicious file.
The IRS has come a long way when it comes to the digital age. That being said, the agency is very old school when it comes to dealing with taxpayer issues. By this, I mean that the agency never sends notices of action to taxpayers by email. Everything is sent by snail mail with most of the notices automatically being kicked out by a computer. If you ever get an email from the IRS, you can usually assume it is a fake. If you have any doubts as to its legitimacy, you can just pick up the phone and call the IRS to ask if you’ve been sent anything.
The new IRS email scam plays on the fear taxpayers have of the agency. Don’t be a sucker. Ignore it and don’t reward such conduct.
Thomas Ajava writes for - locate personal income tax lawyers in Charlotte, North Carolina 24/7.
Article Source: - Fake IRS Email Scam – Underreported Income
Thursday, November 12, 2009
November 15- Waiting on the World to Change
Monday, November 9, 2009
November 8- Week In Review
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington, DC 20307-500
Now, for the stories featured in the Week In Review portion of this show:
- More Tech For Older People- NY Times- [JUMP]
- Handset Hackers- BBC News- [JUMP]
- Friendsourcing the Quest for iPhone Apps- NY Times- [JUMP]
- Yanks Make Difference By Going Green-[JUMP]
- First Eco-Friendly Hospital Energy Plant Installed- Epoch Times-[JUMP]
Thursday, November 5, 2009
November 8- Time to Get to Business
Shashi Bellamkonda works at the heart of Web hosting company Network Solutions as the Director of Social Media with a unique business card title "Social Media Swami." In this leadership role he has helped Network Solutions aggressively move into the online space to actively listen to and interact with customers. This effort was rewarded when Network Solutions won the 2008 SNCR Excellence in New Communications Award for Online Reputation Management and the 2009 Gold Quill Award of Excellence in Social Media from the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC).
The show will be one that you will not want to miss. It airs THIS Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 5 pm EST/3 pm MST on KFNX-1100 in the Greater Phoenix Area. And the show will also air live on this link if you are not in the Phoenix area but still want to hear the show.
Thanks for all your support and tune in!
Monday, November 2, 2009
November 1- Week In Review
We are also excited to remind our Florida listeners about the FACUG's 2010 Conference At Sea.
Don't forget to remember a recovering soldier when doing holiday cards this year.
Here are the links to last night week in review. We covered these stories right after Tom's kudos to Sony's customer service (they replaced his laptop and gave him a wireless mouse!). Tom must have listened to Gabe's guest segment on getting a resolution where everyone wins when dealing with Customer Service Reps. Find out more about Gabe and other stories from him on
Here are the stories featured in the Week In Review segment this week:
- White House Dumps Bush's CMS for Open Source- TG Daily- [JUMP]
- Tweeting From the Field: Sports Meets Social Media- Ars Technia- [JUMP]
- Swimming of Just Wading in Technology- NY Times- [JUMP]
- Using a Cellphone Number to Pay for Virtual Goods- NY Times- [JUMP]
- Ogden Website Buys NYC Company- StandardNET- [JUMP]
Have a great week and check back Thursday for details about next Sunday's show!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Holiday Cards for Recovering Soldiers
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington, DC 20307-5001
Check back tomorrow to download/listen to the show. Have a great week.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
November 1- Business Continuity and Remote Access

Monday, October 26, 2009
October 25- Week In Review
- Facebook and Twitter Users Beware: Crooks Are A Mouse Click Away- CNN News- [JUMP]
- Google Voice Voicemails Appearing in Public Search Results- Engadget- [JUMP]
- Gartner- Loosen Up On Social Networks, Security- CNET- [JUMP]
- Rutgers Stadium Receives New HD Football Display As A Part of 102 Million Euro Expansion- StadiaTech- [JUMP]
- NYC Sees Economic Gold In Green Jobs- Reuters- [JUMP]
WHERE: George Washington University - 1957 E Street NW, 7th Floor – Washington D.C.
WHEN: Thursday, October 29th – 9am to 12pm ET
Monday, October 19, 2009
October 18- Week In Review
Listen to the show for details on how to reach Johanna or visit her on Twitter [@JohannaRothman].
- Willie Nelson's Got a New Broadband Plan- Wired- [JUMP]
- The Web's Inventor Regrets One Small Thing- NY Times- [JUMP]
- 'Magnetic Electricity' Discovered- BBC News- [JUMP]
- Wind Reigns at City's Green 'Power Parks'- New York Post- [JUMP]
- FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski Joins Impressive 2010 International CES Lineup- Reuters- [JUMP]
Thursday, October 15, 2009
October 18- Who likes to Multitask?: Take 2
She consults, speaks, and writes on managing high-technology product development. She enables managers, teams, and organizations to become more effective by applying her pragmatic approaches to the issues of project management, risk management, and people management.
The show will air this Sunday, October 18, 2009 at 6 pm EDT/3 pm MST in the Greater Phoenix area.
And the show can be streamed live at the same time listed above from this link.
Stop by on Monday for our Week In Review post.
Thanks for the support!
Monday, October 12, 2009
October 11- Week In Review
- Federal Report Cities Design Flaws in Dallas Cowboys Practice Facility Collapse- Dallas News- [JUMP]
- Explore the New York City Which Could Have Been With The Phantom City iPhone App- Gizmodo- [JUMP]
- Google Targeted in Email Scam- BBC News- [JUMP]
- Tech Pioneers win 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics- CNET- [JUMP]
- Apple Resigns From Chamber Over Climate- NY Times- [JUMP]
Thursday, October 8, 2009
October 11- Surprises of Mobile Devices & Mobile Security
Monday, October 5, 2009
October 4- Week In Review
- iPhone App Developer Jacks Your Phone Number to Pitch You More Apps- Gizmodo- [JUMP]
- Blackberry Desktop Manager for Mac Releasing October 2- Engadget- [JUMP]
- Despite Taunts from Rivals, Microsoft Security Entails is Solid- PC World- [JUMP]
- Poll Technia: iPhone Dropped Calls- Is 30% Normal? Defensible?- Ars Technia- [JUMP]
- 2014 Winter Olympic Stadium By Populous Will Have Crystalline Skin- Inhabitat- [JUMP]
Thursday, October 1, 2009
October 4- Gary Arlen and Telecommunications
Monday, September 28, 2009
September 28- Week In Review
- Newly Declassified Files Details Massive FBI- Data Mining Project- Wired- [JUMP]
- 3-D Television Expected to Come Into Living Rooms in 2010- CNN News- [JUMP]
- Net Neutrality Rules Attacked- BBC News- [JUMP]
- The US Open Fan Experience Goes High Tech- NY1- [JUMP]
- Time Warner Cable [Finally] Issues DOCSIS 3.0- DSL Reporters- [JUMP]
Friday, September 25, 2009
September 27- "What's Driving Ethernet Carriers?"
Friday, September 18, 2009
Cardinal Game on in our Sunday Slot
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sept. 13- Who Likes to Multitask
She consults, speaks, and writes on managing high-technology product development. She enables managers, teams, and organizations to become more effective by applying her pragmatic approaches to the issues of project management, risk management, and people management.
The show will air this Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 6 pm EDT/3 pm MST in the Greater Phoenix area.
And the show can be streamed live at the same time listed above from this link.
Stop by on Monday for our Week In Review post.
Thanks for the support!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September 6- Labor Day Weekend
- We Can Still Reach Your Laptop, but We Will Be Nicer About It- Gizmodo- [JUMP]
- Send Station's Latest Pocket Dock Is Slightly Larger Than A Penny, Has Much Better Audio Quality Than A Dime- Engadget- [JUMP]
- With Cowboy's New Owner Jerry Jones, Its All About the Bigger Screen- News OK- [JUMP]
- NYC To Track It's Building Inspectors With GPS- Sci-Tech-Today-[JUMP]
Monday, August 31, 2009
August 30- Week In Review
- UK Says Illegal Downloaders May Loose Web Access- Google News- [JUMP]
- Microsoft Delivers OneApp app Framework for Featurephones- USA Today- [JUMP]
- Apple Lifts Curtain on App Store Approvals- NY Times- [JUMP]
- For Cowboy Owner, Time to Go Back to the Video Drawing Board- NY Times- [JUMP]
Mommy Tech Summit
Mommy Tech will take an in-depth look at the newest products and ideas for the burgeoning mom market. The exhibit/conference will focus on the tools of the mommy trade, how to talk and listen to moms when building products, and how moms use tech to keep track of their busy lives. Conference: January 8, 2010
Higher Ed Tech Summit
Today’s college students are robust consumers of Information Age technologies. With a single keystroke they access information that would take hours to locate in a brick-and-mortar library, if it could be found at all. The Higher Ed Tech Summit will shine a spotlight on the key issues of high-tech higher education. Conference: January 8, 2010
Digital Health Summit
The dHealth Summit focuses on the convergence of technology and healthcare and how they provide solutions to many of the most vexing healthcare-related issues. Today’s generation of high-tech healthcare products and services will be the catalyst for better managed healthcare, patient/doctor communication, lowered costs for health insurance, and early prevention and detection. Conference: January 9, 2010
As always, Thank you for your support!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
August 30- Developing a User Experience Strategy
![]() The show airs on Sundays at 6 pm EDT/ 3 pm MST on KFNX- 1100 in the Greater Phoenix Area. Not in Phoenix or can't make it to your radio, stream the show from this link. |
Monday, August 17, 2009
August 16- Week In Review
- 3D Printers Make Manufacturing Accessible- Wired- [JUMP]
- Google Wants Testers for It's Latest Search Algorithm- Wired- [JUMP]
- Getting Your Wireless Network Up To Speed- NY Times- [JUMP]
- Schools Go Green, Save Green- Long Island Press- [JUMP]
- Scarlet Knights Add Seats in Football Stadium- [JUMP]
Thursday, August 13, 2009
August 16- The Benefits of Unified Communications in an Enterprise
David is the Chief Operating Officer of Velatica, which acquired the assets of ObjectWorld in 2004. With 30 years of experience brought to the show for this topic, it will be one that you do not want to miss!
The show will air this Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 6 pm EDT/ 3 pm MST on KFNX-1100 in the Greater Phoenix area.
You can also stream the show live at the same time from this link.
Thanks for the support and stop by on Monday for our Week In Review post.
Monday, August 10, 2009
August 9- Week In Review
Now for out stories featured in the Week In Review:
- Google Muscling In On Microsoft Enterprise- Information Week- [JUMP]
- FedEx Plans Nations Largest Rooftop Solar Array-Reuters- [JUMP]
- Apple Dumps App. Developer and His 900+ Apps. From App. Store- Ars Technica- [JUMP]
- Recovery Act: Big Apple Expects Little Bite- Unstrung- [JUMP]
- Orlando Areana Rights Are All In The Family Naming- Orlando Sentinel- [JUMP]
Stop back by this Thursday to get some more information on our guest, David Levy.
Thanks for the support!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
August 9- Cloud Computing: Past and Future
Amy Wohl, President of Wohl Associates, a consulting firm established in 1984 is the keynote speaker for the Computer Measurment Group annual conference- CMG '09. Wohl is a noted expert on the computer market and is also the author of the book How to Succeed at SaaS: Computing in the Clouds.
With these credentials, Amy will give us much information on Cloud Computing.
The show will air on Sunday, August 9, 2009 @ 6 pm EDT/ 3 pm MST on KFNX 1100- Phoenix, and can be streamed live from this link------>[JUMP]
Monday, August 3, 2009
August 2- Week In Review
Now for the stories featured in this week's Week In Review segment:
- If Your Happy and You Know It, Tell Your Phone- NY Times- [JUMP]
- HP Dinged By Green Peace Over Enviro-Friendly Computers-Information Week-[JUMP]
- Apple Rejects Official Google Voice iPhone App.-Gizmodo-[JUMP]
- Amazing Stadium Has New Car Smell-Tulsa World-[JUMP]
- Verizon FiOS TV Celebrates Its First Year of Operation In New York City- PR News-[JUMP]
Come back on Thursday for a look at what is coming on the show this next week!
Thanks for the support!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
August 2- Today's Word Is Utilize

Monday, July 27, 2009
July 26- Week In Review
Here are our stories that were featured in our Week-In Review:
- Wireless Power System Show Off-BBC News-[JUMP]
- Scientists Turn Used LCD's Into Medicine- itNEWS-[JUMP]
- Indian Farmers Use Mobil Phones To Control Irrigation-GoodGearGuide-[JUMP]
- Cloud Computing and Your Career- InfoWorld-[JUMP]
- NSA Using Cloud Model For Intelligence Sharing- Information Week- [JUMP]
Be sure to tune in this upcoming Sunday at 6 pm EDT/3 pm MST.
Thanks for the support!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
July 26- Windows 7: Coming to a PC Near You
The show will air on Sunday, July 26, 2009 at 6 pm EDT/3 pm MST on KFNX 1100 which airs in the Greater Phoenix area. If you are not in the Phoenix area but would like to hear the show, follow this link to stream the show on KFNX's live stream [JUMP]
We will post the show for download by Wednesday of next week - sign up for email delivery or RSS feeds of our blog posts and podcasts to get it fresh off the ether.
A little more about Tony:
Tony is author / co-author of 10 books, and hundreds of web and print articles. His areas of expertise are security, unified communications, Windows, and server virtualization.
Tony's Links
Twitter [JUMP]
Co-author of Unified Communications for Dummies [JUMP] - coming November 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
July 19- Week In Review
Here are the stories from the Week In Review:
- Tesla Goes Big Apple with Chelsea Showroom-Engadget-[JUMP]
- MS Office On The Web: What It Is and What It's Not- Webmonkey-[JUMP]
- Experts Call For Federal Wind Power Rush-Chron National- [JUMP]
- 49ers Detail Santa Clara Stadium Plans- BizJournal-[JUMP]
- Link Exchanges: The Poor Man's SEO-CNN News-[JUMP]
Be sure to tune in this upcoming Sunday, when guest Tony Bradley returns.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
July 19- How to Manage Your Cloud Computing
Ermis is an experienced executive and business leader who co-founded eTelemetry in 2004. He now serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of the company. Prior to eTelemetry, Ermis founded Sigma Engineering in 1993 and saw a substantial amount of growth through the company while he was there.
The show will air this Sunday in the Greater Phoenix Area at 3 pm MST/ 6 pm EDT.
You can also stream the show live from this link at the time listed above--->[JUMP] If you can't catch it at that time, we will have it posted early next week.
Stop by on Monday for the Week In Review from the show.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 and NYC Data
Now, when these are in XML and can constantly update based on the most recent information with the ability to track changes, we will be cooking with [a trademarked vegetable fat]...but this is a great start. If you can make a bar chart in your favorite spreadsheet program AND upload a file to the internet, you are ready to go. Give it a try. Let us know what you create! You can't improve it if you can't track it...
We wanted to know what agencies were providing the most data is Our First chart and first use of Google's Fusion Tables:
DATA.GOV Feeds by Agency
We are also looking for types of data to recommend to the NYCEDC for NYC government data. What do you want to know about NYC? What agencies should get on board first? What data do you ninjas want to slice and dice? DM us on Twitter - imitechtalk or send an email (no attachments) to with the subject 'NYCEDC - NYC Data'. We will let you know if yours is selected for us to submit and send you a high five if the NYCEDC selects it.
[UPDATE Wed 7/15 2:11 EDT: Our shared table does not seem to be showing up :( We tried]